Behind, ahead or on track?
- Married. Plan to have a kid in the next year. Would absolutely love to retire at 55 max.
Make $350-$400K working in at a tech company. Save roughly ~30K a year and max out 401k. Spouse’s income is negligible.
I feel comfortable but I’m wondering how I’m doing and if there is anything I should consider changing. For instance, I’ve considered throwing my entire retirement savings into an ETF like VOOG. Thoughts on that? Thanks.
- Married. Plan to have a kid in the next year. Would absolutely love to retire at 55 max.
Make $350-$400K working in at a tech company. Save roughly ~30K a year and max out 401k. Spouse’s income is negligible.
I feel comfortable but I’m wondering how I’m doing and if there is anything I should consider changing. For instance, I’ve considered throwing my entire retirement savings into an ETF like VOOG. Thoughts on that? Thanks.