On "Trans People Are So Sensitive!"

One thing I see transphobes say a lot is that trans people are so sensitive.

First of all, they are hypocrites. I guarantee that anyone who calls us sensitive is the whiniest baby imaginable about an uncountable number of trivial things. They lose their minds when we go to the bathroom, when LGBT shown for a split second in TV shows, and when video games have women in them. No one throws a temper tantrum over trivial bullshit like a transphobe.

Second of all, if trans people are "so sensitive," I believe that sensitivity is a powerful skill that we learned for good reasons. Most of us spend our lives enduring gossip, rejection, name-calling and other forms of abuse from the people around us. Sensitivity is the ability, learned through trauma, that allows us to tell which people are safe and unsafe to be around.

So yes, our ears are sensitive enough to their dog whistles. Our minds are smart enough to pick up on their double entendres. Our eyes are sharp enough to see what they write to each other when they think we aren't watching.

Never let someone shame you for being wise enough to see through their bullshit.

I'm not sorry that we make it so hard for them to lie to us.