King gizzard are overrated and I’m so tired of seeing them posted ad nauseam on any music sub

I’ll start by saying I enjoy a handful of their songs and by no means think they suck or are bad, but the amount they get shoe horned into every conversation needs to end. It’s clear they are bigger on Reddit than anywhere else which makes sense the musically illiterate come here to socialize and make bold claims. For one thing they are fundamentally a gimmick band, they don’t have a sound. For me the most important aspect that separates the greats is forging that identity and sound. For every one of the styles they dip their toes in and go on to release a synthesized version of the most surface level of whatever genre it is, there’s probably 20 bands in that genre or sub genre who do it better. So let’s see what are they celebrated for exactly? It seems to be all about them turning music into some stupid endurance sport. As soon as they get brought up not too far after are the discussions about their quantity, their frequent release schedule, or some new style they’re failing to ape the most famous band of that sound. They’re the band of the lastfm age, anyone who participates in that sordid stat assembling of music listening gotta be dead inside. So what exactly are they good at… songwriting? Definitely not. Lyrics? Sounds like Tolkien if he was feral until the age of 8. Musicianship? They’re essentially a Grateful Dead without the technical chops(Grateful Dead can also fuck right off) yea so I’m so so tired of seeing them labeled the best band this, greatest band that. They aren’t even on the periphery of those superlatives let alone in the conversation. I implore you people who find a need to dominate conversations you don’t have the breadth or the wide ranging net of tastes required to participate to sit back listen to the classics, the influential bands not understood in their time. We must bring gatekeeping back. Why the hell are we letting people who haven’t done the necessary legwork to have a say