Advice/Guidance for Husband Making Dua for someone from his past

I am a little embarrassed and ashamed to ask this but I would like some guidance/suggestions/advice on this topic.

My husband and I have been married for a year now and he is a good, religious man who loves me. After every single one of his prayers he makes very long duas and they are the same ones each time. He has told me before that in his duas, there are a handful of people who he makes duas for and specifically mentions their name. I know that in his duas he specifically mentions a female who was a potential for marriage in his past. They had known each other for a few years and it just did not work out (ended but not on bad terms). That individual did suffer from depression. I know that he mentions her specifically by name in his duas and it bothers me alot. I know that it is good to make dua for other people as well especially those going through hardships and I feel really guilty that I feel this way. But it really bothers and frustrates me knowing that my husband is making dua for another female, especially one that was a potential for marriage.

I have no idea how to navigate through this situation and I am hoping someone can provide some insight or advice. It is something that i think about often and its like i get reminded of it 5 times a day and I do not want to start to resent him for it either.