Need a debunk: Weird Movements at 3am | Seaside park 3am 1.2.24
I know we are tired of this cam, I appreciate you indulging me. I've been watching this for weeks and this doesn't look like anything I've seen, and the radar doesn't synch with it. Orbs appear in the center, then dip below the horizon, over and over, sometimes it splits in two. I have a second video where 5 hover in place for a long time, then move on. I'll add it in the comments.
I know it's "planes". But these don't move quite like planes. If anyone has a rational explanation I'm open to it.
time/location in the title, the flight tracker is flightradar24
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lots more but these help you get the idea
Edited to add:
One theory is Iridium Flares, interesting thought. They aren't quite acting like planes, but again I am not an expert.