Drunk np at work

About a month ago I was hired to be a full time nanny. There having me do 40 hours a week of night shifts until Dec / Jan where I’m suppose to have all daytime hours. But this job is getting annoying already which sucks. I’m working crazy late hours when night nanny’s don’t usually do more than 3 nights per week. and I'm about to look for a new nanny job. Last night the dad comes home like 2am and was hanging out downstairs right where I am for over 30 mins. Tonight I arrive at 10:30 and he's hanging out with them then finally says he has to eat dinner so he'll be downstairs for a little.... he took till 11:30 to eat and now at 12:30am he's still in the downstairs bathroom. It's a very small downstairs so it's only one bathroom and a few feet away. Now I'm sure he'll be in there for hours till his wife comes to get him again. And don't you think that's incredibly rude like??? I have to use the bathroom too.. he put his water cup outside the bathroom too. I’ve already figured out he’s an alcoholic because this happen once before minus the eating a full dinner at 11. This schedule is already a lot on me and now I can’t use the bathroom or take care of the babies, or even catch a little nap for myself ( which I’m allowed to do) in on my period and close to peeing in there damn sink. I’m just at a loss here, I am already sacrificing a lot including my health and sleep to work these hours.