When did your baby sleep through the night (or most of it?)
LO is 5.5mo old - sleeps around 6:30p (basically at sunset) and wakes up 11pm, 3am, 5am, 6am-7am officially. She wakes to feed.
I lowered her intake down to 1oz.
Someone suggested maybe she was hungry so I bumped it up back to 4oz but then that’s when she actually started waking earlier and more. So weirdly I guess it’s a regression or I screwed myself.
We have a bedtime routine - she sleeps super easily, it’s just the frequent night wakes. I’ve had lots of people ask if she sleeps through the night.
She naps maybe 3x in the day, no longer than two hours total.
I’m at a loss.
Update 11/12: reading through all these amazing comments - will definitely take a few ideas into practice and see if it helps. I will report back!