Would it be so bad to just be done with breastfeeding?
Feeling so done with breastfeeding. I am an underproducer and maybe get about 30% of LOs current diet at breastmilk. He's a healthy 2 month old at the 80th percentile for weight. We supplement with Kabrita formula. I can't really pump effectively while holding him and have such a minimal amount of free time where I'm not holding him. It sucks to use so much of it pumping. He has started rejecting the breast more and more lately. He will just scream on my boob and headbutt it until I give up and give him a bottle.
I know breastfeeding is good for him especially if he's sick but I'm honestly feeling so done. I think It'd be so much simpler to just not think about it and be constantly stressing about my supply. I'm hesitant though because I feel like I may regret it and then it'll be too late... thoughts?