Can we petition to take control of our own headsets and have the library bar filled with OUR choices rather than Meta's forced selections?
I can't stand when it boots up and opens up two menus I've never used. Friends Chat or whatever and Horizon World Updates crap. I immediately have to close both of those down every time I boot up and open up what I want.
And the library bar - idiotic. There are four fixed positions and I don't use any of them. Meta Store and People and Horizon Worlds or whatever crap is there. And my measly few slots available to the right for my stuff.
I know there's a way with QGO to circumvent the system and tie on their fixed icons to your own application but that's clunky.
I want my damn status bar to be the way I want it - not the way Meta wants it.
And yeah, I'm older and have been using computers since 1982 and blah blah blah. So I'll take your Boomer comments (and in actuality, I miss the Boomer cutoff by a couple years) in stride.