What to do on late game?

My first run, I'm on a Manibus server, we are on phase IV, I hit lvl 50, done most of secondary missions, all the main missions, killed all the PW bosses, etc...

I'm trying to do a shrapnel build, but I can't get the legendary blueprints I need for my armor because I have no more sources of starchrome, neither I can upgrade my SOCR drawing more than lvl 2 because I don't find more blueprints.

So... If I can't upgrade my gear, what else can I do? I tried farming oil, but it's too slow, and there's no point of farming more oil since I killed all the PW bosses and don't need to build more biomissile, despite of grinding all the PW bosses over and over again, but I get tons of rewards that don't really help me.

I upgraded my weapon modules and tuned all my gear and weapon, and I went from 8k dps to 16k dps, OK, but there are people that does more than 50k dps... But I cannot get to there, I think.

So... probably I'm missing a lot of things cause I'm new, but, what else can I do?