Jesus Christ, trying to go to law school in Virginia is brutal
This just flat out sucks. I maxed out my LSAT attempts and I'm gridlocked into a 163. I made an appeal to LSAC so maybe I'll get another but probably not. Let's just say I have brutal test anxiety and couldn't get through the accommodation hoops, so I kept retaking just trying to get a few more points and never could get past 163.
I also have a mid GPA (3.59) because my dumbass thought law schools cared about your major and took a bunch of stem classes.
163 is a great score!...unless you're in Virginia trying to stay in state. Let me break it down:
- UVA is a T14. Self-explanatory.
- Three of the four law schools below UVA (Scalia Law, W&M, and W&L, who already rejected me) are all T40s. Jesus Christ. Also, W&M and Scalia are the ONLY SCHOOLS IN THE ENTIRE STATE with an in-state tuition rate.
- Richmond is a T70 and probably my best shot at staying in state. But they're very strict on only giving big scholarships to folks above one of the medians, and I'm literally juuuuuuuuuuuust below the LSAT median. I'll probably get some money, but not nearly enough, and since they're private, it's still gonna be pricey.
- The three remaining law schools might as well be scams. Liberty? Appalachian? Regent? None of them hire well outside of their immediate area and there's not a lot of respect. Also, Liberty and Regent have such bad reputations in general it's not even worth it.
This is rough. Pray for me.