My sister refuses to play anything else than Bastion

My sister asked me to introduce her to Overwatch because she's never played games. She is 30. I have helped her with installing and all and she tried some characters and started to play Moira because she seemed easy for her. When I learn a new game, I like to test everything and discover everything by myself so I did the same to her and didn't guide her much or try to force her to play specific role or hero. We play some QP together and have tons of fun.

In one of the games, we had a random Bastion on our team who was singing the OW melody from time to time and she's asked me, where is this music coming from? I told her that this robot is singing. She came close to him and emoted "hello" and he emoted back. She said oh my god this is the cutest thing I have ever seen. How is he called? Bastion.

Since then, she plays ONLY him and has tons of fun. As someone who doesn't have experience in gaming, she needed lots of time to get used to walking and aiming at the same time. It was hard for her to remember which key does what and what heroes have what abilities.

After 6 months of playing Bastion, she has reached gold playing solo only. I'm actually surprised but it seems that her unwavering love towards Bastion helped her overcome everything and reach her dream rank. Since yesterday she is so happy that when we met today, she greeted me with Bastion's hand waving motion and she whistled the sound he makes when he greets.

I also wanted to share some of her random observations and thoughts that she said during our games and in between.

  • Bastion is the cutest thing ever and he is like a puppy
  • I hate playing tanks because they feel heavy, the sounds and movement
  • Moira has the best accent in the game
  • I'd sleep with Sombra if I was into girls and I would main her if not the Bastion
  • I'm happy when Reinhardt is in the game cause he is always cheerful
  • Funniest voice line in the game is "I have no idea what's going on" from Juno
  • Hate playing against Winston and Genji
  • I got to gold only by trying to never die and getting into positions from which I can shoot freely
  • Best map is Rialto
  • 50% of magic of Overwatch is voice acting
  • I still don't know what Illari ultimate does
  • I hope to find a husband who will play with me
  • They should change Bastion's ultimate because his ultimate never kills
  • She calls Echo "Apple"
  • I feel safe when Ramattra is on my team

Hope you enjoyed reading my pointless story about my sister. If you want to tell her something, I'll show her your comments.