How do you handle pressure ?

Hi, started playing a few months ago and I've been slowly learning things, enjoying the game. It felt like I was finally making progress with rank reset as I was steadily climbing my way up (high bronze to low gold if that matters) adapting to how people play until recently where I feel like I'm cracking under pressure with the fast pace of the game and more team work needed causing my team to lose winnable games. I'm starting to feel like I'm regressing too, being overwhelmed.

I'm not really worried about rank all that much, but it does feel like I'm slowly going backwards even though I'm learning/ understanding things better.

So how do you cope, stay focused and keep up with everything happening? Is 1 step forward 2 steps back just part of the learning process which I'm overthinking? Or maybe I need a break to reset the mentals? Any help is really appreciated <3