Anyone else's A2 pulls feel extremely underwhelming?
I had over 600 pack hourglasses saved up, as well as some leftover gold from one of the new account/game launched gold sales going into A2. After pulling almost 100 packs, I've only seen 9 ex cards. No Darkrai ex, Palkia ex, and only 1 Weavile ex. I also can't pull Dawn #2 for the life of me, but I can easily get like 9 Mars.
I know the match checks out as me just being pretty unlucky, but damn... it sucks to have saved all of those resources only to not have a brand new deck out of this expansion. At most, I just got a few new tools for the decks I'm already playing, but I was hoping to have enough to play a completely new deck instead of just more of mostly the same.
Edit: Since many replies seem to be under the impression that I believe I'm extremely unlucky or that I'm implying that there's something beyond RNG affecting my pulls, neither is the case. I know the pull rates, and I know that my results are just a little behind average. I'm just a little disappointed that I can't seem to pull the meta-relevant cards and wanted to make a post for other players who were unsatisfied with their pulls. This is what we sign up for in gacha games.