Travel East bug

Hi guys, I know this is a known issue, but I figured I'd make one new post just in case anyone has figured out a way to complete the quest. I really don't wanna restart because I like my monk and the idea of spending another 20 hours to get back to where I was is making me not play the game


Me and a buddy did the last part of act 1 in co-op. Once we got to the end, we sorta split up and went our seperate ways. He noticed a couple days later that his quest wasn't completed in act 1, and when we looked it up, people were saying that this bug would prevent us from doing end-game content.

Specifically, the quest to "Travel East" that you get when you end act 1 does not complete,. There is a quest marker over the act 1 town, but when I go there, The Hooded one does not have a quest. All his dialogue is greyed out

Solutions attempted:

-talked to everyone again, clicked their dialogue
-traveled to area 1 in Visitiri, talked to the lady next to the caravan who opened it again, even though Ive completed act 2
-remurdered act 1 boss

None of these made a difference for me.

One solution I haven't tried comes at the end of the game. Someone said you could bypass this issue by doing a map in act 3 cruel, and the map device would become useable in your hideout. Has anyone with the act 1 bug tested this?