1 week post op Nuss
Wanted to come on here and tell my experience of the Nuss procedure. I am a diabetic 26F. I ended up having an epidural and two nerve blockers (back of ribs) and then I had cryoablation at the end of surgery. I woke up and had to be in the Cardiac ICU unit for about 36 hours. Went to the step down Cardiac PCU. My pain was pretty well controlled but I ended up with some damaged nerves that ran down my right arm. Worst pain ever. Nothing seemed to take the pain down, and they were worried I had a blood clot. I did not, just damaged nerves. The doctors tried to come up with a pain plan. Narco did not work at all! Oxy & lyrica and a muscle relaxer were the only things that could bring my pain down to like a 3 (out of 10). Otherwise I was shaking and in tears from the pain. I about puked multiple times from the pain. My chest was really sore and felt like burning at times. I had a chest tube for 3 days and that sucked! I wanted that thing out, but I kept having a decent amount of blood coming out. After almost 6 days in the hospital I finally came home!! I have been feeling decent, struggling to rest. My husband has been beyond helpful, keeping me on a pain med schedule. Because my chest was 100% numb and I could not feel anything, I got the ok from my Doctor to get my nipples pierced, as it was a once in a lifetime opportunity! Haha, at least one highlight to this painful journey.