Time to kill and stuns are too much!
So the patch is very cool, but what bothers me more and more is the time to kill and these stunlocks. It's terrible how quickly you die in this game. Especially when you get hit by a stun, of which there are far too many in the game.
We once played a custom round without items and it was SO much fun because the battles went on longer and you actually played the game instead of getting attacked and then staring at the deathtimer for 20 minutes. These are such frustrating moments that I lose interest in the game afterwards and play something else.
I've got 2 clips here to illustrate exactly that. Please take a poll on Friday to see what people think of the Time to Kill and stuns. You'll see that it bothers the majority of players. Nobody thinks it's good to die from a stun and now the cleanses have been nerfed, which I can't understand at all. There need to be more cleanses, not fewer.
Edit: THIS THREAT IS NOT ABOUT THESE TWO CLIPS!! My point is not to analyze gameplay clips from someone to point out mistakes, its about showing that stunlocks are too common and that you cant play the actual game, because you CANT PRESS BUTTONS.
TTK is way too short for too many CC in this game. too many and too long CC.