My 5 year old said something concerning this morning.

I’m not sure what I should do, or if I should do anything.

He told me “I don’t love dad, but let’s not tell him that”.

He has whispered in my ear a few times saying “I love you more than dad, but let’s not tell him that” I honestly just thought it was mostly him picking favorites because he picks and wants us to pick favorites of absolutely everything. I told him it’s okay to love us the same and that we don’t rank people.

I tried to get him to tell me more about why he would think that, but he just shut down and didn’t really say anything. I know this age can just be kinda mean and say stuff in anger, but this was just something he said this morning after having a decent day yesterday. Nothing happened that would make him angry at his dad.

I know my husband isn’t hurting him or anything, he is kind of a fun suck though, he doesn’t ever really let him play or even just let him be. They don’t rough house (my son loves play fighting, but he only does it with me sometimes, and my dad and brothers when we see them which isn’t often) he doesn’t really even play with him. He’s overly anxious and a lot of times just tries to make him sit down and be chill when he wants to run and play. I try and step in, but probably not as much as I should be we always fight when I do and that’s probably worse for our son to than having to sit for a bit.