UPDATE: 300mg - 50mg in two weeks.
I previously made a post explaining how shit I felt going from 300mg to 50mg in two weeks. I discussed this with my psych, who said I definitely experienced the worst of it, and it was okay for me to go to zero. I had been on 50mg for maybe a week. In my country there isn’t a dose lower than 50mg, so I just have to raw dog it, and deal with the consequences.
I refrain my prior statement - THIS is definitely the worst I have ever felt.
I counted a total of 112 brain zaps in 8 minutes. It is like this THE WHOLE TIME. I seriously feel like death. Constant nausea, shaking, weakness, cold sweats, just about everything terrible that could happen. I’m so scared. I’m so scared this won’t go away. People say this can last months. I’m horrified.
I have to start back at university in less than two weeks and I am panicked. Nothing has ever felt this bad. I was tempted to go to the ER earlier today.
I have the option to just go back to 50mg, but it feels like it’s just prolonging the inevitable. I can’t just be on this forever. My other option is to switch to Citalopram, but I am just too frightened I will experience this shit every time I wanna switch medications/doses. I’m tempted to never touch a SSRI/SNRI ever again.
If anyone knows ANYTHING I can do to help, I’m desperate for anything.