I'm tired of feminists.

All I want is to aise awareness about certain issues that exclusively affect men (In a non- mysogynistic manner I tell you).

Then some blue haired bitch who I haven't interacted with since highschool, comments about how women have it way worse and try to invalidate our issues. Like my post isn't even attacking feminism or women at all and it was merely for awareness purposes.

I understand that there are a lot of shit women have to deal with and sure maybe you have it worse but does that mean our issues should be invalidated? Why the fuck do you need to be such a bitch?

Not only that, but 3 of her other bitchy friends retweeted my post and did the same calling me an incel/misogynist. I just hope there were places like r/menslib where I could vent without having to deal with people like this.