S22 Ultra is maddeningly slow and laggy! Switching to a Pixel
Little things like keyboard opening, switching apps, etc just stutter unnecessarily and drive me mad! Using maximum processor speed, 60hz, and 1080p but still! It feels like the phone is way too aggressive in going into some kind of semi sleep mode which it constantly has to keep waking up from.
Called customer service and they're extremely incompetent - they simply hop me between departments and tell me to ship me the device and they'll take a look - which will almost certainly be pointless because a) they'll just say it's working fine and not see how slow it is, b) it'll be in a barebones, post-factory-reset environment, c) this is not likely an issue with a specific device but rather their software, and d) this literally requires me to buy a second phone because I can't just live without a phone for a week. One rep offered me to take it to a local store instead of shipping it but the local store immediately said they do nothing about slow devices and that I'd have to call customer service. This is the second time they've not honored their warranty.
I'm done with Samsung and excited to use the Pixel - it's much smoother and the Google integration is amazing, even if I lose some handy features like clipboard history, stylus (the biggest one), etc. Really, iPhone is probably the best but I'm not willing to buy into their closed ecosystem yet - and there are lots of nice perks of Pixel anyways like the enhanced voice typing.
Tl;Dr - Samsung is incompetent, has constantly been thoughtless and disappointed me, and I'm done with it.
Edit: Turning off ram plus fixed it and I love this phone again! In fact much more than before because now I can use 120hz which makes it infinitely nicer!