Are Digestive Enzymes really Biofilm Disruptors?

I have a new functional medicine doctor who recommended Kirkman Defense as a biofilm buster. I looked at the ingredients and it just looks like a ton of digestive enzymes. Klaire Labs Interfase Plus seems to be a very popular one, and the ingredients are very similar.

Does anyone know how these can be used as Biofilm Disruptors? It just doesn't really make sense to me.

The other one I've seen recommended is Priority One Phase 2 Advanced. This is the only one I've actually tried in the past and based on my extreme bloating symptoms that I experienced while taking it, it seemed like it worked really well.

I'm taking this to prepare for a GI Map, so I want to make sure I take one that's actually going to work. I just don't see how digestive enzymes can be biofilm disruptors. I've been taking digestive enzymes with meals for quite a while now, and as far as I can tell they aren't awakening any dormant bacteria, they're just helping me digest food.

Any help here is greatly appreciated!
