Longsword vs katana discussion
Shad does a lot of katana vs longsword videos, now sellsword arts recently did an excellent video and experiment on katana vs longsword debate. It makes me wonder about some stuffs.
I'm not a fencer, but I'm a pro photographer for 10 years. The camera brand war is still going to these days. Canon vs nikon vs sony vs fuji etc. but the more i learn about photography, the less important camera becomes. It's more about the photographer, light, lens, editing, and lastly it's about camera. Camera is the LEAST IMPORTANT factor on making a good photo (for most cases).
But alas, i chose canon because (back then) canon has the most cheap & good 3rd party lenses, accessories and best warranty. So what brought me to canon was not the camera itself, but the environment surrounding the camera.
Now going back to sword, of course the swordsman's skill would be the most deciding factor, but what about other factors such as armor? Average height? Helmet visibility? Gauntlet? Shield? Shoes!? (I hear that japanese traditional sandals were baaad) were any of these factors more important than the swords? i think ignoring the other supporting factors and only focusing on the sword is, well, reductive