120 users signed up, 25% of them converted ($200+ MRR - 1k profit). What would you do?

It's been almost a year since launch.

I didn't see it growing enough so I was about to dump it and move on to something else until I saw the stats.

~ 100 monthly website visits ~ 120 users signed up ~ 25% converted

For such low traffic I thought these stats were pretty impressive.

The conversation rate makes me think it's worth a shot.

If you were in my position, what would you do?

What I've tried:

  • YouTube ads - Spent 40$ felt like it was bot clicks so stopped
  • Reddit Ads - 20$ and got a few sign ups (Didn't track conversions)
  • Partnering up with influencers - Tried reaching out to over 60 Youtubers in my niche, only got a few responses and nothing came out of it.