How Long will Silksong stay relevant? A Deep Dive into the Shell Crushing Wait
Greetings fellow skongers
I've been following here for a while (since the 2022 Xbox Trailer "within next 12 months"). I think we've seen plenty "ok really when is it coming out?" posts, but I wanted to ask something different.
How long do you think Hollow Knight: Silksong will stay relevant?
Like, we've been in genuine limbo for the entirety of the game's pre-release. The game has been in a "coming soon" status since it was announced. Even then, every single legitimate new drop we've gotten has affirmed that the game will release "soon."
We've never gotten a message saying:
- "We don't plan to release this year but we promise the game will be amazing" or anything like that.
We've only gotten:
- "It can't be too much longer surely"
- "That's exactly what we said"
- "We had planned to release in the 1st half of 2023, but development is still continuing. We're excited by how the game is shaping up, and it's gotten quite big, so we want to take the time to make the game as good as we can."
The infamous "Hey Gang" tweet could be interpreted either way. On one hand, it says "We planned to release the game this year." On the other, it says "We want to take our time to make the game good since it's so big."
There was also when Geoff Keighley deconfirmed Silksong being at Summer Game Fest. He said it would "be a while". However I'm going to take his words with a grain of salt due to tha fact that he also said he speculates that covid delayed the game, but random fan who encountered Team Chery at a coffee shop found out that they were entirely unaffected since their team is so small.
This limbo is part of the reason for why it's so difficult to just ignore the game and do other stuff. Of course, I do actually play other games and have other stuff going on, but Silksong is always around the corner.
Most of the other games with long waits only start off with cinematic trailers with no gameplay to be seen. Not only did Silksong have a trailer with 2 whole minutes of gameplay in like 8 different environments, There was a playable demo 6 years ago, Yeah sure it could've been buggy (hehe) but it was public. It wasn't only the devs playing a janky version that would explode at any moment.
Most of the games that have a comparable wait to Silksong are Triple-A games by large studios:
- Elden Ring
- Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2
- Metroid Prime 4 (which even has a release window now)
Cyberpunk 2077 took 8 years, but that one promised to be like GTA or something (I don't know much about it besides that it took a long time to make and has a lot of stuff to do).
The record holder for the longest wait between announcement and release is Duke Nukem Forever at 14 years. Assuming development for Silksong started in full in 2018 after Godmaster released, we're already halfway there!
The one exception is Omori, I think. Any experts, please correct me on this. I just did a bit of reading on Wikipedia. The game is said to have released 6.5 years after development started. That game turned out pretty good according to reviews (never played it). If Silksong is on that schedule, then August 2024 is looking pretty good... oh...
This isn't to say I'm upset or anything. Of course Art takes time. I wou'dn;t even say it's the lack of communication which is driving us all Silksane. it's how the game could literally come out tomorrow or in 10 years. Both are legit predictions. (Shadow drop or they're taking their time)
It's also so strange because Hytale another highly anticipated game with a long delay isn't really in the same boat. For those unaware, or morel likely those who have forgotten, Hytale is a spirtual sucussor to Minecraft being developed by the creators of the Hypixel Servers. (Only ever played Minecraft on Xbox so I'm not entirely familiar with them, I just know they are huge in the Minecraft community stuff) It's trailer has almost 4 millions more views than the trailer for Super Mario Odyssey the best selling 3D Mario Game. 47 Million to 51 million.
The Hytale devs have been acquired by Riot Games. Contrary to popular belief (or not I don't actually know, I don't really see anyone mention this game at all) The Hytale team communicates with the community quite frequently.
It's just that every time they make a blog post they make it clear that the game is not coming out in the near future. Like their post in 2021 said don't expect anything until 2023 at the earliest and then when 2022 came around they let us know not to expecting anything next year.. or the next or even the year after. See where I'm going? The game is getting more and more massive and genuinely looks like it's trying to be Minecraft, 3D Terraria and Roblox all at the same time, while still looking like a feasible game.
They even reached out to the niche Hytale YouTubers to show them top secret footage and let them talk about it to the diehard fans that care. Like imagine if Team Cherry showed mossbag footage of a new boss but didn't show us anything but let him talk about it. Like not spoiling the game, but also keeping a community engaged. Nowadays we just get graig cussing us out every other year :(
The thing is, Waiting for games is the fun part. Like it's the Hype Season. Halloween is only one day of the year but the whole month of October is spooky season. The months leading up to a new Kirby Release are so fun for me. Reading up on all the lore, replaying all the old games to 100%, doing those soul crushing boss rush modes. Then when the new game comes out, I think about how it'll be on the list when I'm hyped up for the next game.
Silksong's hype season has gone rotten. They revived it back in 2022 and even then they snatched the rug from under our feet. Could've let us know it wasn't coming before 11 months in. Even then 19 months later with us not knowing anything else. Absolutely silksanity.
I'm sure Silksong will be good when it comes out, but it's kinda hard to think that. Makes me all anxious and stuff. Wish we could just get the game's release date announced. Even if it's like 2030 or something.
My big question is why the game is so relevant in modern gaming discussions. Not a passive aggressive why, but out of genuine curiosity. Why don't most gamers at large thing this game hasn't been cancelled. Anyone who's frustrated is just impatient and should play other games. It's not like I check r/GamingLeaksAndRumours everyday haha.... (Please save us SamusHunter)
TL;DR I've went through all 5 stages of grief. Denial(Copium), Anger(Impatience), Bargaining(Just give us any news), Depression(the game is cancelled), and Acceptance
Also kinda unrelated, Team Cherry 100% without a shadow of a doubt did not change game engines from Unity to something else.
- They would've made an announcement before restarting development. Throwing away 4-5 years of progress that would not translate over (see 2)
- Like seriously, they use a Unity specific plugin to program the enemy behavior, they would legit have to build everything from the ground up. Source
- the game was delayed indefinitely before the Unity Runtime fee was revealed. There wasn't any indication of a release between May 2023(time of delay) and September 2023
- The Runtime doesn't exist anymore, they've gone completely back on it.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed my longass rant / vent. I've been spending way too much time thinking about this game over the last few years. I might stick around until February but if 2025 is another nothingburger year, I'll probably retire from skonging.
PS. I'm the guy who started the Silksong is already out on r/HollowKnightMemes back in Fall 2021! I got the idea from r/titanfall. I did it on an old account I deleted because reddit was taking up too much of my time. I promised I get off reddit once Silksong came out ... but it got delayed so I have an alt now.
Anyway, I want to hear your thoughts. I didn't even talk about the upcoming "Hollow Likes"
Crowsworn, Nine Sols, Constance. Those games all look great.