Never traveled before, attempting my first solo trek, Need help!
Hey everyone!
22F, I’ve always been an overthinker. I keep making plans to do something exciting, but I never actually follow through. It’s like I talk myself out of it every single time. But this time, I’m determined to change that.
So, I’ve decided to take the biggest leap of faith in my life- my first solo trek! The thing is, I’ve never even been outside my city in all 22 years of my life, so this is HUGE for me.
I’m really nervous because I don’t know what to pack or how to prepare. I’ve got shoes and clothes covered, but food is my biggest concern since I’m allergic to a lot of outside food.
So, what do you usually pack for snacks on treks? Any tips for a beginner like me would mean the world.
Thanks in advance, and wish me luck!