I have never seen somebody play a <7 DP character in Casuals

Im at my wits end. Im tired of ranked but because my rank is so high, I can't play casuals. Every time I try, my opponent is some Z rank who's too chicken shit to keep playing ranked so they treat quick match like an esports audition. 😮‍💨

I pick kaioken Goku, and its Mastered ui goku

I pick Future Trunks and its 1 of the Gammas ki spamming or rush baiting

If I see gohan, it's full power Beast Gohan or Ssj2 Teen Gohan. 😐 Mfr its like 2 skill points to power up, and I'm playing Krillin.

I love this game. I really do. The devs clearly poured love into it, and they listened to the community. But my god, 🤦🏽‍♂️ the player base sucks sometimes.

It really feels like a lot people who turn on this game never intend to have fun, they just want to win something and they've chosen Sparking Zero as their outlet.

🫵If you're one of these people and you're reading this- I choose quick match to play some dragonball, have a fun cinematic fight, I choose ranked to play some intense dragonball with my favorite characters and test my skills against good players. You chose ranked because you wanted to flex a Z so you picked the most meta characters to get you there, and now you play casuals with those characters so you can feel superior for winning with a Z. We are not the same.

Thanks for reading/skimming🙏. At this point I think I might just throw some ranked singles matches until I get knocked down to Low A/High B and see if casuals becomes more tolerable. Can't think of any other way to get out of being qued with these people 🙄

🤔Do you guys think the game would be better off if they reset player ranks seasonally? This would demotivate players who want to cheese to the top, and the strictly competitive players would have a reason to keep coming back to ranked after reaching the top.

Otherwise I think they could add singles DP weight divisions. It could be divided into 3 optional categories: 1-5 DP 5-10 DP No Limit

I think this would bring "fun" back to casuals.