What was the pettiest thing you did after a restaurant fired you?
The ONLY time I had been fired from a restaurant job was for a small mistake. It seemed like the owner was trying to find any reason to cut me off the schedule so I had already started looking for other restaurant jobs and had one I was about to start.
So here’s what happened, I forgot to comp an appetizer before closing a tab and had to reopen it, comp it, refund and recharge the payment. Simple. Owner got pissed, however.
The owner was a huge piece of shit, though. He’d always write messages on his PUBLIC chalk board in the middle of the restaurant about how much he hated democrats. He also proceeded to cheat on his wife and every person in his family who worked at the restaurant left almost immediately because of that. It was ironic because he liked to present himself as a “Christian man.”
When he told me he was taking me off the schedule, I told him it was fine because I already found another job and wished him well. THEN I said, “Oh, and good luck with all of your family issues.” 💁♀️.
Honestly eff that dude.
Still made great connections with the servers and managers who worked there. So that’s a win lol.