TFT mechanic changes should only be updated at the start of the set and should be mentioned in every subsequent update.
I just came across a video titled " why mortog thinks tft needs hidden mechanics" I agreed with him for the most part but it got me thinking that I already don't know how half of the mechanics work. In a strategy game, the smallest detail can take away a win from you.
The most recent example is the way they changed 4:2 augment tailoring. If you only have 2 units of a trait you won't get an augment for that trait. This small detail can help you in almost a quarter of your games. And if you skipped this set or even just skipped this patch you're left out of this information.
(Edit: this change has not taken place as of yet that's why you won't find it in the patch notes)
Also, why not just add an actual written tutorial section that details the mechanics.
This was my 2 takes. I'm gonna start rambling now. How does armor work? Is 100 armor good? Does that mean I'm blocking 100% AD or just 100AD? If so than what does that even mean? Why are people slamming hand of justice on ekko? Dude he already has 100% crit chance. Ohh... It increases the critical damage, well that would have been useful to know in that last dozens of games I played!! What's the deal with crit strike and dmg amp? They are both percentage increase are they adding to each other or are they multiplying?
The list goes on, but I hope the 2 people reading this get my point. A strategy game is not actually a strategy game if you don't know how the mechanics work.
(Edit 2: thank you guys for pointing out the fact that you can hover over armor and other stats to get the value. This basically makes my rambling just that, "rambling". But I hope you can see that the argument still stands.
And again the augment tailoring change has not taken effect yet.)