If Bones Is What Chop Top Was Supposed To Be
That would’ve been incredibly disappointing. It’s hard to use Bones in any match that isn’t the Graveyard simply because one of the three escape options takes complete morons to not effectively shutdown (Water Pump).
His bombs do not trigger consistently and are easy to counter, they often just knock him down once you come into the area where his bomb is placed where a victim might be trying to do an objective. Absolutely terrible, only one of his unique perks is good, some of them should’ve just been apart of his tree.
Example: Resetting a bomb on site of detonation, how in this rush meta are his bombs useful if you have to continuously go to a blood bucket to recover them). He doesn’t have scout (Why?), his tree doesn’t make sense and holds him back, and he isn’t a strong support unless you run his boring blood build and trap Grandpa.