Being fat may be unhealthy but it's none of your business.
Arguing against fat acceptance always comes down to this. "iTs uNhElThYyy". Firstly not in all cases, secondly, even if it is.. IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. You don't wanna be fat? Don't be fat. You have no say in what others do with their bodies.
Also, the fitness culture is pretty dumb. You don't see fat people always whining about them like fit people like to whine about fat people. The ideal "thin girl kpop idol" bodytype everyone finds attractive is unhealthy. The male version of a V taper and visible abs is unhealthy. Even if we ignore that it's unhealthy, it's a miserable way to live. Imagine living a life where you have to count calories, not eating what you want. There is so much delicious food out there and you have to limit yourself. Can't eat oily stuff, can't eat stuff with too much fat, can't eat stuff that's too sugary. It's such a sad way to live. However, if you want to live that way so that you can live (maybe) 5 years longer.. then go for it. I won't stop you, but stay in your lane. Idgaf if I live a few years less. It's my life and I make my choices. I would rather live a full life than live a long miserable one.
I see this sub us about unpopular opinions but people still mock and ridicule. Anyone personally attacking me, will be reported. Stay on topic and just upvote if you disagree.