Finished Last Revelation with modern controls and I-III needs an update asap
I never hated modern controls but missing moves made it always easy to just choose tank controls. I don't love them but they simply work more consistently. I know you can do backsteps with guns drawn out, but that can mess up timing.
But when I read that IV had a "trick" to get temprary tank controls, I tried the modern ones again and I cannot believe how good they work. Simply pressing the look button (remapped to r1, as some suggested) does absolute wonders and made it so compelling to play through the game with modern controls.
I really, reall, hope I-III gets an update that includes this, and I'd also love for IV and V to get a toggle so that pressing down the look button doesn't bring up the viewing glasses (I got used to it but in the first hour, this was kinda annoying). Because this small change finally made me click with that gameplay style. Love it!