USA vs China infrastructure version 2

Despite all the recent news regarding new infrastructure projects in the US, there are still people who perpetuate the false idea that Americas infrastructure is "crumbling". I will debunk this misconception once and for all in this post. There are people who do not care about the truth because the are ideologically opposed to the US and thus spread the "US infrastructure is crumbling" idea to decive people into siding with them. There are also people who believe the "US infrastructure is crumbling" idea because they are misinformed and too emotionally minded to learn the truth themselves. This post is intended for the ladder type of person.

New infrastructure is being built in the US to replace old infrastructure. America's old infrastructure can rightfully be described as "crumbling" because it is reaching the end of its design life. Old infrastructure however is not a valid argument which proves that America's infrastructure as a whole is "crumbling" because new infrastructure is being built to replace this old infrastructure. People who perpetuate the idea that American infrastructure is "crumbling" are ether is blatant denial or unaware of the fact that new infrastructure is being built in the US.

Here are some examples of new infrastructure projects in the US which disprove the idea that American infrastructure is "crumbling"

- Mario M Cumo Bridge in NY state -–present))

- Kosciusko Bride in NY state -

- Fredrick Douglas Memorial Bridge in Washington DC -

- Ohio River Bridges Project in Kentucky and Indiana -

- New Cumberland River Bridge in Kentucky -

- Goethals Bride in New Jersey -

- New terminal at New Orleans International Airport -

- The Line in NYC -

There are multiple new infrastructure projects which are right now under construction in the US.

China's infrastructure is not "better" or "more advanced" than American infrastructure. The issue with Chinese infrastructure is that it is built for visual impression and to pass inspections so that the construction contractor can make money. Chinese construction contractors do not care about the safety of fuctionaility of the infrastructure they construct because they only care about easy and quick profit. The Chinese government does not take action against these construction companies because they have no sympathy for their citizens.

Here are some examples of what infrastructure in China is actually like

- 2019 Xiamen subway collapse -

- 2024 Chengdu Subway collapse -

- 2024 Meilong expressway landslide -

- 2024 Shanxi bridge collapse -

- 2024 Guangzhou bridge collapse -

- 2024 Shanxi road sinkhole -

Reality will remain true regardless of if people choose to acknowledge it or not.