CANADIANS: How can we best prep for debilitating 25%+ tariffs?
Hi, I'm new. Canadian here.
Within a month, Canada will be hit with debilitating tariffs as the Trump regime seeks to undermine our economic stability and sovereignty.
I would like to discuss how Canadians can prep to make sure we have a solid supply of necessary items, including toiletries and medicine.
And - I apologise, American friends - but we're going to need to be more aggressive about buying Canadian to get us through this. Has anyone been compiling a list of Canadian companies which provide necessities? Any resources to share?
I'm new to prepping in general. So far, this is what I have been collecting:
2 months of toiletries: Hand soap Bar soap Period supplies Shampoo & conditioner Toothpaste Face moisturiser Prescription medications (sadly I can only get 2 months' worth at a time)
2 months of kitchen and other supplies: Dish soap Garbage bags + recycle bags Dishwasher pods Laundry soap
I have yet to stock up on: Toilet paper Tissues Paper towels My dog's medicine (I have 5 wks worth right now) Dog food
And, of course, I haven't stocked up on non-perishable food items yet. But I'll make a list and work on collecting that, too.
Any other Canadians willing to share strategies and resources? I'm really worried about this.
EDIT: I thought of one more thing. There are local farms I can speak to regarding eggs and meat if it comes to that.