Psionic abilities and gender as it relates to the topic of UAP
I love the UFO topic, but I'm worried that being too invested in disclosure begins to diminish life in general and builds into a toxic masculine trap of externalising emotions and never working through them internally or recognising ones own emotions.
The recent revelation of a uap projecting love, feminine energy, empathy ect of that as a goddess really comes off to me as an emotionally stunted super masculine spec ops soldier waking up to emotions for the first time and realising that there was more to life than being a green commando. Don't wait for a UFO in the sky to explore your emotions or connections to life, the universe or your soul. You can start now, or any day you see fit to start exploring your being. Know yourself and become a better person today, tomorrow and always. I'm worried about this because it's what I caught myself starting to do, waiting for the next UFO drop to explore them and compartmentalizing psionics, spirituality or consciousness to this one topic. It's so much more than just this one topic.
I'm a guy and it feels weird bringing up sex or gender into this but I really think as with many online communities we're dominated by men, and we can forget that we see and experience the world very differently to women, mostly because of a cultural upbringing and expectations placed onto us or that we hold ourselves to, but I feel like we're missing the forrest for the trees when it comes to this topic. And as I see the topic get more emotionally driven or heated, from shouting matches and disagreements to the dopamine high of the next big leak, more and more I think I'm realising this is just an outlet for a lot of men pent up on feelings and looking for an outlet for them. Projecting quite literally your emotions into the sky and externalising them into literally being alien or interdimensional. Emotions about the government, humanity, the media and it's many grifting influencers or the state of the world.
It was also interesting to me that it was mentioned gay men, women and children have an on average more latent psionic ability. It only makes me think even more that this topic is full of men looking for an outlet and assigning emotion to others, externally to themselves.
What do you think?