How to make friend in Warframe?

I have been playing Warframe for almost 13-14 years on and off. The main problem I run into with this game is that I don't have anyone to play with. The friends I started with are long gone or don't share the same love for the game and want to play other games 99% of the time. I want to continue playing, but I am a very social person and there are a limited number of podcasts I can listen to while playing the game before I get bored again. I am guessing a lot of people are feeling like this, and I really would like that DE would revamp the chat and social system in Warframe. I am just going to shoot some ideas here. Warframe Tinder where people who want to just play warframe with other people on discord or whatever could create a profile and find others to play with. Also, the recruitment chat has to go away I hate it sooo much! There must be a MUCH better way of doing this system, DE please take inspiration for example from Mobas where they have role pick system. Why can't we have a Radeshare system, or EIDO hunt, or Duviri arcane hunt, or deep archemidia or anything else. People propose a mission and other people apply doesn't seem that hard! And people searching for teams just write what they are searching for in the search bar and find it or create there own! Is there something I am missing for this like for trading chat or is this a valid point?