Went to the SLC show tonight

I laughed so hard I fully stopped breathing. Y’all are in for a treat with tomorrow’s rhoslc reunion recap.

Ben and Ronnie are beyond masters of their craft. Thank you for your service.

Also random..I’m not sure if they read this thread but it needs to be said. Ronnie. You always joke about your waddle. There is no waddle. You are stunning and chiseled and so beautifully well shaped symmetrical. An Adonis. And so funny and talented. A real masterpiece in all the ways.

You’d think from reading that I might not be a middle aged woman. But I am. I literally had a thought tonight…”I hope Ronnie’s mom looks at him and tells him how beautifully shaped he is. And talented. And pause to say..I made that”.

Thank you Ben and Ronnie for the best night ever.