USA is going through a self-coup...

... and it is quite telling that no one in the mainstream media (not even the "woke" one) is acknowledging it.

"Chaos is a ladder."

Despite being a "soft" for so long, this is autogolpe is not "silent" anymore. The mayhem caused by the President and his minions is an obvious attempt to weaken not just the government but its foundations. The US Constitution is actually very weak already (despite what you've been made believe) and the plotters have enough accomplices in the right places to be able to exploit such flaws. And if you think I'm a (pro) Democrat for saying this, let me tell you: not only I am not a fan of either party, I actually believe the Democrats, namely their oldest faction, have been willingly paving the way for this moment (one could argue the coup started under Biden and possibly with his blessing). Old-fart Democrats (most of them) want those oligarchs to rise because they expect themselves and their families to follow. The ladder has been rising for decades and is now vertical.

US Politics run in Frente Nacional-fashion (look it up). It's all about splitting up all the power among two elites that are actually the same while squeezing the workers of the country and the world. There are only two paths out of this: succumbing to the dictatorship of the capital or forming a nationwide workers' movement to fight back.

What will you American workers do about it?