Midi controller for drum rack sequencing in Live?

I'd really love to have a midi controller that I could use as a drum machine sequencer for my drum rack. I honestly think that we don't really have much choice and so far I only found these options:
- Push
- new Novation Launchkey MK4 pads
- There's a script for Launchpad to make a sequencer
- There's also a script for Akai Fire for making it a sequencer for Live
- Launchpad Pro MK3 (thank you Few_Control8821)
- Move (thank you ThirteenOnline)

Is there any other alternative? Maybe Launchpad MK4 (if it happens) will give us that. I'd really like to have something that's supported by a company and not a script that's written by one person (because who knows how long it will be supported). I love how Akai Fire works with custom script (and how the controller looks) but I need it to be future proof.

If there are some obvious alternatives I missed, please share them in the comments.

PS. I don't want to get Push due to its size and Akai Fire due to custom script that I don't know how long will be supported.
PS 2. added Launchpad Pro MK3
PS 3. added Move