sometimes i feel like autistic folks are better off than we are…i know it’s not a competition but i feel inferior to my autism spectrum co worker and I’m processing.

ok so being able to focus and stick with things gets you a LONG way in this world. being good at one thing and going deep into is something that’s is VALUED in this paradigm.

come at me if you will - this came up cuz i’m at work and my co worker is more on the autism spectrum and im more on this one - adhd. i felt almost jealous or frustrated, cuz i feel like some of the things that might be viewed as part of that spectrum are things that actually get you somewhere in this world!!! while im being ostracized for time management, throwing my things everywhere, seemed scattered and stressed, and struggling cuz i can’t remember to eat - shes meal planning and pinterest boarding. at any rate - educate me if you’re a mix! i think i just feel like us adhd are always judged, like we’re immature, flakey, dumb, lack tact …. and it seems like there’s actually some stuff society values on the autism spectrum…..