Sick of the bullshit.

Alright ladies, gents, lady boys, boy ladies, everyone. 6 years in, too much bullshit, too much admin, too much absolutely dumb out of the world policies, miscommunication, lack of communication between leadership, lack if motivation, lack of good human beings who don’t care about if their soldiers miss one day of shaving out of 3 years. I have 10 months left, I honestly don’t care about shit. I don’t do enough of my job, in-fact I do EVERYTHING except for my job. Soldiers falling out due to injuries of running 5 miles everyday on hard road with plate carriers, too much unnecessary stress, Anxiety. All basic equipment and vehicles are aging. Not enough serviceable vehicles. Old equipment , equipment that hasn’t been used in years. No clothing allowance in my 6 years, everything taking months to get done, I am still waiting on my travel voucher that i submitted 7 months ago. Shit is too expensive. Inflation was pretty bad, no major raises (i am tracking the 14.5 percent this year) Not everyone gets BAS, dfacs underfunded (in my opinion) outpost(pickup and go). Literally mopping humvees, cleaning motorpools to make it “Presentable” 2 weeks before a fucking hurricane. Quality of life needs to significantly increase.