Introducing the Big A Book Club!
Ever asked Atrioc for a book recommendation or to see the illustrious bookshelf only to be berated, bashed or even worse BANNED for asking? Have you ever heard about a book that you wanted to read from Atrioc/Chat during Stream but didn’t catch the name? Well, hopefully I have the solution for you! The Big A Book Club is a site for tracking books suggested by the Eggroll Elephant and the Sigmas in chat for the community to read.
I have been a dedicated EST VOD frog for several years now and am a new member of the ACLU. I have always wanted to contribute to the community that I felt I have gotten so many great times from. Inspired by some of the great, talented, and intelligent software developer/engineers in chat (S/O Ottomated, ASK the Storyteller, etc.) I decided to make a website that solves a problem for chat/Atroic. Also, I have read a bunch of great book recommendations that I have really enjoyed from Stream. So having a place that could track/consolidate those recommendations rather than scrubbing through the VOD seemed like a great area to help improve the quality of life for chatters. Hope you all enjoy and appreciate you all for accepting me and providing so many quality laughs!