S3 Bucket with PDF Files - public or private access?
Hey everybody,
so the app I am working on has a form where people can submit an application, which includes a PDF file upload for the CV.
I currently upload these PDFs to my S3 Bucket and store the reference URL in the database. Here is the big question:
Once the application on the web app gets submitted, should the application also get sent to the web app's email address with all the form data, including the PDF CV? Like, should the PDF get attached to the email directly or should there only be the reference URL in the email for the bucket file?
The problem is: if I send a signed URL, then it might expire by the time we read the email, and then the file will be private again in the S3 bucket.
And I'm not sure if I want to allow public access for the links. It's not super sensitive data, it's basically only CVs, but still...