Is 7.5 in the wild actually rare?
Total rookie here. Got married young and haven’t ever had a reason to think about my size. My wife, bless her, has few problems with me that can’t be solved by a solid warmup.
Anywho, we are looking to open our marriage for play.
Which got me searching all the r/threesome and other advice subs. Which then led me to these greener pastures.
After reading the faqs, I whipped out a ruler and what do you know, about 7.5” (BP). I’m lean so most of it shows.
I’m below average height, so I still figured this was below average size (the old height:size myth).
Then I checked the stats via the faq and was surprised by where that puts me.
Now, I’m nearly 40 and just thought it was normal to fall out of your jocks and touch the toilet bowl.
So I’m curious to hear from those with the experience to chime in, how rare is 7+? If we’re trying to find play partners, would advertising size help? Or hinder? Or just be gross?
To be honest with y’all, I’m kinda commenting here because I tried to get excited with my wife and she couldn’t care less lol.