Is waiting for you significant?

I'm really rubbish at non verbal cues (not much better at the verbals). I think my crush has given up on me and I want to learn from all the mistakes I made with him. In hindsight, one thing I didn't notice for months was how he would wait for me outside the gym before I'd arrive (we've always had the same schedule). We'd all be waiting for the gym to open but he definitely seemed to like walking in behind me every day and also when I was leaving. Anyways, fast forward to this week. I passed a guy getting his gym gear out of his car as I arrived at the gym. I got my things from the boot and walked to the entrance. This guy was just standing by his car door looking at me as I passed. He then followed behind and I held the door for him. I didn't think anything at the time but when I was leaving the gym after my jog he was behind me again and again I held the door for him. Is waiting a subtle sign of interest?