Do I have C-diff?

Since last year I’ve been experiencing constant nausea and vomiting (through my nose on occasion) as well as loss of appetite and weight lost. Stool tests for parasites and H pylori came back negative. My doctors suspect that it’s just my ulcerative colitis flaring up and have given me prednisone and nausea medication. Only the prednisone worked but all my symptoms came back soon after tapering off. I personally suspected parasites and got my hands on some albendazole which reduced my symptoms. But it’s all back again.

That plus multiple bowel movements (5 or more per day) all with blood, diarrhea like, watery, and greasy looking. Plus I get so tired, especially mid meal. I’m desperately looking for what may be wrong with me and came upon c diff as a possibility. Not all my poops are especially foul smelling, and I don’t get much bloating and never had a fever. As for abdominal pain I can only recall 2 instances of serious lower abdominal pain but not much else except hunger pangs. I get so hungry but have no appetite for fear that I’m gonna vomit again.

Is this likely to be c diff?