For those who use sumatriptan (imitrex) injections, what do you do when you’ve already used two in 24 hours and get another headache?
I (23f) have been getting cluster headaches since I am 15 years old, and soon after started using subcutaneous sumatriptan injections to abort headaches. However, I was told by every doctor I saw to NOT use more than two in a 24 hour period. When I was younger, a 3rd headache occurring in a 24 hour period meant a trip to the ER. Now, that’s simply not feasible. My most recent cluster started two weeks ago and today is my first triple day, and all I can do is slam Tylenol (not helpful) and pace around my room trying to remember to breathe. What helps when you can’t use the injections? What do you do to help get SOME relief?