I miss my husband

I’ve been bedsharing with my baby for 2 months now as she won’t tolerate being put anywhere else but next to or on me to sleep. My husband is sleeping in the room next door and I miss him! I wish my baby would sleep in her cot sometimes! Just so I can have some time to spend with him! Even just to cuddle. How do you all manage to cosleep so consistently as it’s driving me insane! My back hurts from sleeping in the same position and I’m either too hot or too cold and can hardly move for fear of waking baby up. Any advice! And please don’t say it gets better as they get older. I know this I just want to vent a bit! I know she’s just a baby and wants to be near her mum but i feel touched out constantly (one of the main reasons i gave up breastfeeding) and I just want to be able to have a bit more time. I feel so depressed seeing people on social media saying all the things they got done while baby naps, I literally can’t move as she will wake up.