After serious thought, I started masters in software engineering. Now I am worried hearing my seniors finding nothing on the horizon. Any tips?

So for last few months, i realised I didn't know the basics of software so I quit my toxic job and started my masters in the US with a hefty loan by putting everything in it. Though I am in my first year, I see all my seniors struggling to find even an average job. Everyone I had spoken said that they haven't found anything yet and might go back without any offers. I am contemplating my decision as I think I may have gotten an 5-6% raise in my old company if I had stayed with them even though they were toxic(they always said that i was nobody to the company and I had to be happy to even have a job which wasn't the case as I had helped so many of my colleagues who still call me if they had doubts).

I have dealing with more serious family issues that had brought these thoughts back. I can't seem to concentrate on the big picture.

Now I am a broke student who depends on food banks while back at my place they are barely able to get through. I ll mostly be graduating next year end. So give me any suggestions during this summer break where I could improve. Might sound like a rambling and I think it partly is. I value all suggestions. Thanks.

Ps. English isn't my first or second language. I am working on it.