My IRL Curb Experience at a Medspa Clinic
So I am sitting here in this medspa clinic, getting compression therapy on my hips for chronic hip pain. The compression therapy is like a blood pressure cuff on your pelvic area, and it gets pretty tight when it’s fully expanded. Anyway, the nurse gets me set up, and says “If you need anything, just call out for me! My name is Trammy.” Yes, her name is Trammy. Now, what slur might that sound like, when spoken aloud? I immediately knew that under no circumstances would I be calling for Trammy. So I’m sitting here, enjoying my hip compression, when I start feeling a pinch… it’s pinching my balls. Ouch, and with every inflation it pinches my nuts tighter. A good reason to call out for Trammy, but I can’t! So I endure. Still sitting here getting my nuts pinched.
If this was en episode, I, Larry David, would call out for Trammy and get nasty looks from the other patrons. There would be some tie in, where an actual trans woman who he accidentally insulted via some tasteless joke in the past is also getting some medspa treatment at the same location and thinks he’s calling out for her. Well, life is not quite as funny as Curb so unfortunately there is no more to this story, just wanted to share.